Zbrush is recognized as the most advanced 3D sculpting and painting software. Not only is it
used by major entertainment companies to produce major films such as Avatar and The
Incredible Hulk, it has quickly become the latest tool for jewelry designers worldwide.

In December 2021 Maxon acquired Pixologic Inc, the makers of Zbrush, in which Pixologic
founder expresses his excitement for the future of Zbrush with this strong alliance. The CEO of
Maxon says, “I’m excited to see how this alliance will influence, evolve and enrich all our
product offerings. We have our eyes towards not only transforming creative workflows; we’re
aspiring to revolutionize the industry.” It seems as if Zbrush has a promising future with the
alliance of these two powerful innovative software companies.

In 2021, ZBrush released a free elementary program called the ZBrushCoreMini for those who
want to take the first few steps into the digital sculpting world. It has a simple interface which
allows artists to jump right in with ease. But the original Zbrush is equipped with more advanced
technology allowing for a greater scope of creativity freedom. But there’s no need to be
intimidated by Zbrush because this software makes modeling doable, even for artists with little
experience with 3D modeling.

Why You Should Learn Zbrush as a Jewelry Designer.

If you’re a jewelry designer and you don’t know how to use Zbrush — it is finally time to get
this tool under your belt! Here’s a simple rundown on this vital digital software being used by
creatives worldwide.

What is Zbrush?
Imagine working with a ball of clay with your hand, Zbrush is the digital version of that. ZBrush
is a great software tool for jewelry designers because it prides itself on having a non-linear
workflow. This non-linear workflow allows for artists to have more flexibility when it comes to
how they approach their work. Zbrush utilizes 3D pixels to create detailed models and features
such as lighting, color, material, orientation, and depth can all be adjusted within each “pixol.” It
is equipped with dozens of tools, which will be later discussed, that gives Zbrush the upper hand
when competing with other 3D softwares.

What are the features offered on Zbrush?
Zbrush has 7 main features including base mesh creation, sculpting, texturing, rendering, movies,
import & export, and illustration. There are dozens of features within these 7 main features such
as Gizmo 3D, 3D brushes, PolyPaint, PainStop and UV master, just to name a few. These
features can be read more in depth on the Pixologic website. Zbrush is so useful for jewelry
designers specifically because the software allows you to freely manipulate the model’s surfaces
which can create very detailed natural looking shapes. This gives you the option of making your
jewelry look handmade and natural rather than rigid and structured.
Interested in learning more in a classroom setting?

Now that you know what Zbrush is, it’s time to apply your knowledge and learn to use the
software. If you would like to learn the fundamentals of Zbrush.

Check out our Sculpting with Zbrush class, begins March 16, 2023